Governing the Complexities of Metadata Governance in Data Lakes: The Role of KCONG in TEADAL
Authored by Cefriel
In the vast area of data lakes and sharing ecosystems, maintaining order and ensuring efficient management processes are crucial for effective utilization of resources. This is where metadata catalogues play a pivotal role, providing structured descriptions of digital and physical assets. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of metadata governance within data lakes and explore how KCONG emerges as a robust solution for managing metadata for the TEADAL project in such dynamic environments.
Regulating Contributions and Access
One of the fundamental challenges in metadata governance is determining what can be regulated in these dynamic environments. Who can contribute? How can a contribution become officially part of the datalake ecosystem? These questions underscore the need for well-defined processes and governance mechanisms. KCONG addresses these challenges by providing a governance enforcement point, enabling controlled access to asset descriptions, and facilitating automation of asset lifecycle management.
Flexibility and Complexity
Flexibility is key in metadata governance, especially when dealing with multiple asset types and complex governance processes. KCONG emphasizes flexibility by allowing administrators to configure the lifecycle of assets and define user requests requiring explicit approval. Moreover, its support for multiple asset types and complex governance processes ensures adaptability to diverse organizational needs.
Layers of Governance
In KCONG, governance is not a monolithic entity but rather a layered approach designed to address the multifaceted requirements of a multilateral open scenario. Authentication, authorization, asset lifecycle management, and automation form the pillars of this governance framework. Each layer corresponds to the integration of specific technologies such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect via Keycloak for authentication, role-based access control for authorization, BPMN for asset lifecycle management, and Jenkins for automation.
Orchestrating Decision Processes
Decision processes within data lakes involve multiple actors with different roles and are heavily influenced by various factors such as the scenario, domain, and organizational structure. KCONG leverages BPMN to enable administrators to orchestrate decision processes efficiently. By defining multiple processes within the same catalogue, KCONG empowers organizations to tailor governance mechanisms to their specific needs and operational requirements.
Metadata governance is essential for maintaining order and maximizing the utility of data lakes and sharing ecosystems. With its emphasis on flexibility, support for multiple asset types, and robust governance mechanisms, KCONG emerges as a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of metadata governance. By providing a governance enforcement point, enabling controlled access to assets, and facilitating automation of asset lifecycle management, KCONG empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets while ensuring compliance with governance policies and regulations.